Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What Inspired My Transition to Natural and March vs. June Length Shot

Well, for this post let's start with a blast from the past...I believe this picture from mid-August 2012 when I got my next to last relaxer.

I had an AWESOME stylist. I still love her! I wish she did natural hair...

Anywho, now you may be wondering like soooo many others in my life..."Why would you transition to natural? Your relaxed hair looks great and you can maintain it, unlike so many others with relaxed hair." I heard some variation of this comment from several family members and friends. You want the truth? Honestly?

The first time I attempted to transition, I made it to 26 weeks post relaxer, then gave up. I was doing it for the wrong reasons for ME. I wanted to be chemical free for health reasons...now you're thinking, "Since when is being healthy wrong?" It's not! It just wasn't enough of a motivator for me to go natural. Once I started having to deal with the tangling, breakage, and lack of styling options (in my mind), I RAN to the creamy crack!

This time, I'm motivated to be natural because...I want a change! I finally realize all of the styling options for my natural hair and said to myself, "Hey, self!" (don't judge me. Yes, I talk to me ALL the time, lol) "Look at all of these gorgeous 4b transitioning and natural hairstyles on youtubers, bloggers, family members, and friends! What are you talking about when you say you can't find any styles? You're being lazy because you don't want to LEARN to do those styles. Come off it and try something new! Be free from the stinky chemicals! Go natural!"

Okay, maybe the self-conversation wasn't exactly like that, but you get the point. I was afraid that I wouldn't find any styles for my 4b hair because I thought 4b hair was unmanageable (I know, folks! Please don't stone me!). But I've grown, and looking at my 29 weeks post relaxed hair now, I can't help but be in love.

It's soft and fluffy and holds great potential and a million possibilities. That's why I was inspired to go natural. I finally saw what I thought was impossible as very possible thanks to all of the gorgeous 4b ladies before me rocking ridiculously lush natural hair. Thanks ladies! Thanks family! Thanks friends!

Length shot for your viewing pleasure (or pain if you're looking at the state of my hair, lol). Don't mind the bra difference. Use the armpit as a guide. Breastfeeding kind of...ahem...lowered the girls...depressing I know...
March 2012
June 2012


  1. Your hair looks really good then and now! Now that I'm transitioning, I don't even bother to measure my hair anymore. I'll admit it's a bit depressing (for me) knowing that the relaxed length will just be cut off anyay.

    But just like you, I know that going natural will be worth it in the end. I'm also transitioning for health reasons and because like you said, I finally realized that natural hair can be managed and look great. Who needs the creamy crack? lol

    1. Amen to that! I'm really starting to love my natural hair, especially braided up the way I've been wearing it. It's low maintenance, and I can't help staring at it in the mirror and wishing my phony puff was all my hair RIGHT NOW, lol.
