Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Half Wig: Hubby Update

Hey folks! Just a quick update on the half-wig. So remember I mentioned hubby's aversion to half wigs, right? I just had to relay the conversation. It was hilarious to me. Here's how it went:

Hubby: "Baby, your hair looks great!"
Me: "Thanks!"
Hubby: (an hour later) "Baby, I can't believe how good your hair looks!"
Me: "Thanks!"
Hubby: "No, really! It looks amazing! I like it a lot!"
Me: (big smiles, trying not to laugh)
Hubby: (pause)"...It looks good...REALLY good...(sounding more suspicious) It's perfect...Wait a minute! Is that YOUR hair?"
Me: (HUGE smiles)
Hubby: (shakes his head and smiles) "I don't know if I like it anymore..."

He's so funny, lol. But he can't complain about this one since he thought it was real! He thinks that since I already have hair that I shouldn't need extra. But he's finally starting to understand the benefits of protective styling.


  1. Hubby: (shakes his head and smiles) "I don't know if I like it anymore..."

    Lol, That's truly funny!

    It took my husband a little time to come around too, but it's all good once they finally "get it".

    1. It is great, isn't it? He still freaks if the hair doesn't look "natural," lol.
