Thursday, June 28, 2012

Week 32: Chicoro's Moisture Method Review

So readers, I've still been having a lot of trouble with dryness in my hair. It stays somewhat moisturized on day one, but after that it's like running my fingers over a desert cactus: Dry, hard, prickly hair that feels like it might crumble in my fingers. Well, of course the only thing to do when you have a problem is to try solving it; and I think I might have found my solution. It's one I'm sure those of you researching transitioners have heard of: Chicoro's moisture method. I've read about it in passing several times on my favorite hair board, LHCF, but I'm not a bandwagon-jumper, so I didn't pay too much attention to it. This time when I ran across the name I just so happened to be fingering my natural roots and thinking about my hair drought frustration, and decided, "What the heck? Nothing else has worked for longer than a day. So some of you may be asking, "What is Chicoro's moisture method?"

 Well I had to do a Google search to find the answer. A Grl Can Mac was one of the first blogs that came up. She interviewed Chicoro on her moisture method. Her method of moisture is based on layering specific types of products to keep your hair from losing moisture too fast: Moisture, oil, and an emulsifier. For moisture, I chose plain water to start (next time I'll use Shea Moisture's Hair Milk), for my oil, I used the same old Africa's Best Herbal Oil, and for an emulsifier I used shea butter since I had it on hand. So the results?

So far so good! My hair feels much softer and more moisturized than before. I will update you on my next wash day (some time this weekend). I'm hoping my hair will stay this way for the next two days.

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